Tuesday 3 December 2013

How I stay in Touch with my Creative Side

If you’re a blogger like myself, then  you could find this list i’m about to show you quite interesting. We all need to stay creative in our lives, so what better way to start than by reading this?
  1. Make lists.
  2. Write notes.
  3. Get away from the computer, (yeah I went there!)
  4. Be more optimistic.
  5. Believe in yourself.
  6. Join a gym and start training, i’ll be looking to post my training plans on this blog later on!
  7. Start singing
  8. Drink more coffee, especially for breakfast as a release of energy is essential if you lack sleep.
  9. Surround yourself with more optimistic people (winners!)
  10. Practice makes perfect!
So what the hell are you waiting for dude or dudette? Get started today!

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