Tuesday 10 December 2013

Why I feel Stanley Kubrick is the best director of all time

 Some would probably turn and say "strange and difficult to comprehend". Others would say "Daring,Superb, genius but a stubborn man" The late great Stanley Kubrick was labelled a lot of things during his tenure but one thing no man could ever doubt was his unbelievable talent for his contribution to cinema.

So for this blog post i've dedicated it as to why I firmly believe this man is the best director of all time.

  • He was a monster and 'nailed' every genre of film. Dr Strangelove, the Shining, 2001: Space Odyssey.
But the way I feel his stories are used to full range of equipment a filmmaker has at their retention is unmatched even to this day over 25 years on. Kubrick embraced the art of cinema as a intermediate that could be twisted in any way he desired, unlike any other form of art you come across, with the use of music, brightness, conversation, actors and masterpiece. It is nothing.

His films I believe have been picked apart by film scholars (like myself) and the casual movie watchers alike for years now and their is still no one single general agreement as to what any of them mean. That speaks volumes to Kubrick’s brilliance by showing his complete mastery of the standard of cinema.


I believe if you are passionate about film making or even just a casual watcher. Then films such as The Shining, 2001: Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange are films you MUST see.

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