Monday 23 December 2013

What is Christmas anyway?

Christmas is the performance of Jesus Christ self-effacing birth to a virgin in a stable in Jerusalem. The time off also celebrates the proceedings neighboring his birth, such as an angel’s emergence to shepherds, telling them to visit the newborn son of God.  Even though the Church doesn’t judge it the most important Christian holiday, Christmas is certainly the most accepted, at least in terms of cultural and social importance.

The Church are of the believe that the events later in Jesus’s life should be the focal point, but we don’t even consider it all that noteworthy.  Neither the New Testament nor any historical record know the exact birth of Jesus Christ himself. As a consequence, the Church originally contemplated many dissimilar dates, including January 2, April 18th, April 19th,  May 28th, November 17th, and November 20 and the 28th. The Western Church first observed December 25 in the fourth century, and eventually the churches in the East followed this idea.

Christmas does have it’s genesis as a pagan holiday. Most of the old traditional ideas of Christmas, such as gift giving, Christmas decoration hanging, and  eating, come from sources other than the Church.

The origin of Santa Claus comes from many different sources. The initial known insight of the legend comes from the fourth century in the form of Saint Nicholas of Myra, a Greek Christian figure known for his kindness to the less fortunate. The American’s description of Santa Claus  from research do seem to have originated from a Dutch fairy tale about ‘Sinter Klaas’, which people brought to America in roughly the seventeenth century. Americans really did embrace the thought of Santa Claus, who was apparently said to have delivered gifts to good boys and girls on Christmas Eve, which is something we’ve went by ever since. A lot of Americans, Santa Claus epitomises the spirit of giving of Christmas.  In order to celebrate the Christmas of Santa Claus during the Christmas holidays, many do not only give presents to loved ones but they also donate charity work and also gifts in the form of gift boxes to the less fortunate ones.

 And on that note if you took all of that in, i'd like to wish all my happy viewers a Merry Christmas!

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